Bikram's 2020 Hero is Mr. Gomes, the Musician

Bikram says: "The Story of Mr. Gomes: Peter Gomes is an Anglo-Indian musician. Like everyone else, he too is quarantined at his home in Ripon street. He is neither able to go back to his family in his homeland which is thousands of miles away in a different country, nor can he contact them very often. But he's still coping with the pandemic with the help of his passion, his music, his musical instrument. Every day he prepares himself to perform his music on his balcony to entertain his neighbors. Some ignore him, some even call him mad. But he does not mind about all this. He keeps performing everyday religiously, with love. The isolation has hit him hard, but he has the spirit to fight it back. Seeing him, I've learnt that if you keep your passion ignited, you can get past even isolation.