Samanwoy's 2020 Hero

Samanwoy says: "Amidst this pandemic, through our NGO Baranagarudyog, I got the opportunity to serve the people of a rural village of Burdwan, West Bengal. We realised that everyone got so busy with COVID-19 and politics that they forgot about the basic needs of the villagers in winter. Majority of the people there can't afford any winter clothes or blankets. So we decided to go to atleast one village on Christmas in 2020 and distribute blankets and winter clothes. Our event was rightly named 'Share the Warmth'. In these areas, most of the people are from the Santali tribe. We tried to help almost 300 people over there. Their blessings and smiles took away all the fatigue of our hardwork, planning, and fundraising. Those smiles always give us the inspiration to go on and pay back some of our infinite debt to society. My hero for 2020 is this little boy in that village who was too shy to have this picture clicked, but agreed after being given a bribe of chocolate."