Shree Ganesh's 2020 Hero is Mahalinga Naik

Shree Ganesh says: "The water pipe from the tunnel gets routed through a ringwell-styled reservoir, constructed to slow down the pace of water and avoid water run-off which gets stored in the catchment reservoir. Additionally, he laid pipes inside in the previous suranagas for rain water harvesting which would slowly seep into the land, increasing the ground water level with the 300 water percolation pits he dug. His journey of farming began where he and his wife grow arecanut, coconuts, pepper, banana, cacao and a vegetable patch for their daily consumption. Today, the seventh Suranaga is almost 75 meters wide, providing over 20 lakh litres of water annually. A broken hip, a dislocated tailbone and a severed finger from a fall during arecanut harvesting haven't stopped Mahalinga from standing tall with pride as he grows Azolla for his cows and enjoys beekeeping. His three dogs are a reminder of his love for his first dog, who playfully helped him pick up coconuts from the farm. Truly a story of hope! A story about love making the impossible happen. One doesn't need to wait to be formally educated to deep-dive into making conscious choices that could make this planet a more sustainable world for all. A quest for truth answered a few of my questions about whether this world needs to be made more sustainable tomorrow or seeks to be more stable today. The Varanashi Agricultural Foundation (VAF) of Adyanadka awarded Mahalinga the Varanashi Farmer of the Year Award in 2003. In 2009, the Karnataka state government presented him with the Krishi Pandit award."