Smirthi's 2020 Hero is Mrs. Sivagami, the school clerk

Smirthi says: "We know that everyone is facing some difficulties — they may be financial, emotional, etc due to the pandemic. The pandemic has especially had a great economical impact on the lives of people from the lower and middle classes. As people remain unemployed, their incomes are affected. I'm going to tell the story of one such person. Mrs. Sivagami is a hard working woman. She was left alone by her husband, and she works in a school as clerk. Apart from this, she also works as household help in four houses. She works from morning to evening in the school, and then directly goes to work as household help till 9:30pm. Even though the pandemic gave her the opportunity to take rest for some time, she couldn't do so peacefully because she depends on her routine to meet her day-to-day expenses. Her son too has finished his schooling and needs to join a college for his degree, and she requires a lot of money to pay the college fees. Because she knows the value of education, she chose not to have her son work in shops and support her financially. She instead asked for loans from known sources in order to send him to college, and due to her kind-hearted and good personality, she received money in kind without any hesitation (not as loan). The money, however, wasn't enough to pay the fees; she's yet to gather the whole amount. Sivagami is a real hero to me.