Abhijeet's 2020 Hero is Vinayak

Abhijeet says: "Vinayak, a resident of Chandgad, Kolhapur district, received a call at 6 AM on 28 September regarding his father's critical situation. He rushed to the hospital but could not find his father in the trauma care ward in the government hospital. He was told that his father had been shifted and was no more. He went into shock, claiming that the short-circuit fire accident and shifting might have taken his father's life. He could not hide his tears after collecting leftovers from the ward. He sanitized the reports and bottles, and rushed to see his father one last time. The hearse took his father's body for cremation. The District Magistrate appointed a probe for investigation along with fire and electrical audits. Deaths due to Corona in India have crossed 0.1 million. My heartfelt condolences and tribute to all the unsung heroes who lost their beloved ones and still struggle strongly to support their family.