Rheas's 2020 Hero is Surendra Daulet-Singh, his grandfather

Rhea says: "This year has undoubtedly been one filled with uncertainty and fear. However, there have been little silver linings of hope that have kept us going, whether these are moments, people or in my case art! My #2020hero is my grandfather Surendra Daulet-Singh, fondly known as Mickey. In the midst of this tumultuous and panic ridden pandemic, the twinkle in his eyes never ceases to diminish as he continues to immerse himself in the little joys life has to offer. In particular, the ethereal paintings of Nicholas Roerich, who was a friend of his grandfather, ignite love affairs with art that have spanned generations. Roerich’s mountains imbue alluring shades of azure and magenta, emanating serenity and divinity, a soothing image for times of anxiety and hopelessness. The paintings take the viewer on a spiritual journey through the luminous Himalayas, engulfed by a brilliant evening light, inviting one to explore their own inner radiance. They epitomize a ‘cultural enigma’ that transcends from the mortal world into the ‘horizon of the unknown’, embodying the sublime essence of nature. The striking scenery mirrors an innate awareness of the mind and soul, leading to an enhanced state of consciousness for those who seek its celestial beauty. He believed that mankind was connected to the natural world through hidden threads, symbolizing their intrinsic kinship. Moreover, his work ‘unites humanity with a cosmic ambience’, opening one’s mind to a sacred dimension that exists in the valleys of the Himalayas.