Saranya's 2020 Hero is her mother

Saranya says: "My mom is my hero. She is everything a child could ask for. She gives us love, sacrifices her time and hobbies, takes away our worries, endures trouble and hardships, and masks all her pain just to make sure we all are comfortable. My mother has severe knee pain and was taking treatment from a very good hospital pre-lockdown. When this pandemic began, all hospitals were full treating COVID-19 affected patients. All of a sudden, she claimed that her knees didn’t hurt anymore and stopped going for treatment. But it was very obvious that her pain hadn’t gone away. We could see that she was hurting very badly and it was almost impossible for her to walk without a searing pain in her knees. She still did all her usual tasks dutifully, without complaining. One day, things got worse and she fainted from the pain in her knee. We all were confused and when we pressed her for more details, she confessed that her pain had never really gone away. My dad was very mad and asked why she did such a thing. Her answer left us speechless and made us marvel at the fact that one could love their family so much that they would willingly accept pain and immobility for them to be safe. She said that she was worried about being exposed to the virus, not for her safety, but for the sake of my father, my old grandmother, my brother and me. I have never seen so much sacrifice in my life. After that incident, we resumed her treatment and I took it as my responsibility to reduce her work as much as possible. She is still worried and we told her not to stress as everything was fine and we're already exposed to the outer environment as my father has resumed his work and I too go out to shop for groceries and household necessities. She gave me hope that one could really achieve one’s goals even if the world said it was impossible. She made me realize that all mothers give up a lot so their children could have so much. That sacrifice is both pain and joy; she experiences pain to see the joy in her family’s eyes.