Music as medicine: The Ehsaas Band in AhmedabadCover Image
Music as medicine: The Ehsaas Band in Ahmedabad
By Aneri NihalaniScroll down
Keeping COVID ward patients' spirits up with music
Viral Patel (singer, composer and lyricist), Raj Shah (lead guitarist and composer), Parth Bhavsar (rhythmist and lyricist) of Ehsaas are engineers, commerce graduates and MBA degree holders who left their jobs in recent years to live to create and play music. They are full time musicians now, and believe music to be a healer and a smile spreader, hence have been tutoring kids with physical disabilities, visual impairment and kids at various city-based NGOs for no professional fees in past years along with their commissioned gigs.
Outside the Hospital
Outside the Hospital
Musicians Viral Patel and Parth Shah of Ehsaas band, pose for a photograph outside the hospital. They'd just arrived at the hospital in their casual clothes and shortly would proceed towards the COVID-19 ward.
Wearing a PPE kit
Wearing a PPE kit
A band member wears a PPE kit prior to entering the ward with COVID19 patients.
Towards the ward
Towards the ward
The musicians climb stairs wearing the PPE kit, and head towards the ward where the COVID-19 patients are admitted. They will soon begin a live show for patients and hospital staff.
Viral in the shower
Viral in the shower
They dispose of the used PPE kits outside the hospital at a space designated by Hospital Management. They reach home and shower.
Raj Shah inhales steam after returning home from Hospital as instructed to him by his family.
Raj Shah inhales steam after returning home from Hospital as instructed to him by his family.
After the live show for patients at the Hospital, Raj Shah inhales steam at his home, as instructed by his family. This is to further reduce potential symptoms.
Gloves, Guitar, Raj
Gloves, Guitar, Raj
When he plays, Raj Shah, the lead guitarist, wears rubber gloves despite the restrictions on hand movements they impose. Holding the plectrum becomes challenging due to perspiration, and he struggles to complete the 'lead' in specific bar (part of rhythm) time. To hone this skills, Raj wears rubber gloves when he's practicing playing the guitar at home.
Jamming, photographs of them playing for COVID19 patients in foreground
Jamming, photographs of them playing for COVID19 patients in foreground
The band has a jam session everyday, usually at night, at the studio, which is now more like their home. Here, we see them in their studio. In the foreground are photographs of the band playing music for COVID-19 patients in the hospital ward.
Speaking with a patient for who they had played in ward earlier
Speaking with a patient for who they had played in ward earlier
Patients and hospital staff inside the ward express gratitude after the performance. Recovered patients also make video calls to the band, to thank them for the music.
Patient for who they had played in ward earlier
Patient for who they had played in ward earlier
Seen here: a photograph of a cellphone screen, showing a video call with a couple that was admitted to the hospital where the band play music.
Quarantine Parth recreated
Quarantine Parth recreated
Ehsaas band has been playing live music for COVID-19 positive patients at the hospital for three months now. After a few shows in the first month, Parth did feel weak and feared he may have been infected. He self-quarantined at the band's studio till test results came negative.
Quarantine, Parth speaking with parents
Quarantine, Parth speaking with parents
When Parth self-quarantined himself, he communicated with family from the other side of the glass separator at home. He was worried, but they gave him solace. Parth would rehearse and keep himself creatively engaged. Later, tests indicated that Parth may have had a viral fever due to seasonal change.
A Portrait of Parth Bhavsar: Rhythmist and Lyricist at Ehsaas Band
A Portrait of Parth Bhavsar: Rhythmist and Lyricist at Ehsaas Band
Parth, 28 was given a drum set by his uncle as a toddler, and has been formally learning music since he was in second grade. An MBA degree holder, Parth left his job to join Viral, and is the rhythmist and lyricist at Ehsaas Band.
A Portrait of Viral Patel: Lead Singer, Composer and Lyricist at Ehsaas Band
A Portrait of Viral Patel: Lead Singer, Composer and Lyricist at Ehsaas Band
Viral Patel, 30, the lead singer, composer and lyricist at Ehsaas Band poses for a photograph.

An Engineer who also holds an MBA, Viral was working in the UK, and returned to Ahmedabad in 2016 to pursue music full-time.
A Portrait of Raj Shah: Lead Guitarist and Composer at Ehsaas Band
A Portrait of Raj Shah: Lead Guitarist and Composer at Ehsaas Band
Raj, 28, left his full-time job in 2017 to follow his dream to be a musician. He believes that music heals scars of any kind.

Parth and Raj are childhood friends.
Viral Patel, Parth Bhavsar, Raj Shah of Ehsaas band, pose for a photograph at their studio, sharing the message: 'Follow your heart'.
Viral Patel, Parth Bhavsar, Raj Shah of Ehsaas band, pose for a photograph at their studio, sharing the message: 'Follow your heart'.
Viral Patel, Parth Bhavsar, Raj Shah of Ehsaas band, based in Ahmedabad, India pose for a photograph at their studio.

'Follow your heart' is what the trio believes in, hence they pose this way to perhaps share the same message.

Leaving their full time jobs to follow their calling to become musicians is what they have done and wish people to live a life of purpose.
Checking their media coverage
Checking their media coverage
Here, they check an article about the band published in a regional newspaper. They value that media has acknowledged them, and hope their music reaches many more people.
The trio poses with a photo-print reminiscing the moment of playing music for COVID-19 positive patients
The trio poses with a photo-print reminiscing the moment of playing music for COVID-19 positive patients
The trio pose with a printed photograph of one such moment of them playing music for patients.

Moments they cherish include patients tapping hands to their beats, garba grooves, medical staff cheering the patients on hospital Beds, patients' requests for their favourite songs, elders blessing and thanking the trio for lifting the mood.

They mention how a couple of them had worrisome thoughts initially before making up their minds to go for their first live show inside the ward.

The band continues to share the gratifying moments they have experienced in over 30 shows now, and believe that these experiences are an important part of their musical journey.

About the Photographer


Aneri Nihalani is a photographer- a photojournalist by heart, documentation is where her core lies. She holds a Master's degree in Development Communication. After a brief stint at the Times of India, Ahmedabad as a photojournalist she worked as a News Correspondent cum Photographer with DNA for a year. She then started to explore the Behind-The-Scene moments of Gujarati feature films and gets associated as an Assistant Director as well. She currently works as a Communication Officer at an NGO and indulges into photography projects as an independent photographer. She believes in the power of PhotoKalam (Camera and pen) as tools for Communication for Development.


Project location

Ahmedabad, India

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