Iramwui Hero: Our Village's HeroCover Image
Iramwui Hero: Our Village's Hero
By Chingrimi A. ShimrayScroll down
The efforts of the inhabitants of Marou - a small village of 80 families in Ukhrul District, Manipur
Iramwui Hero (our village's hero) is a documentation of people of Marou engaged in their daily activity. With a note shared through the lens of an insider - Sultan A. Shimray on the concept of gratitude and admiration. Sultan shares his idea of his hero. With houses of just 80 families (approx), locals from bigger villages have often used the term ‘leishinaya’ to mean ‘cute’ to describe the strength of the population. The size of the village is often reminded over and over again in conversations. This shapes the attitude of the people inhabiting the space towards their own collective selves. So how do they see themselves?
Meet Sultan-the Storyteller
Meet Sultan-the Storyteller
Ava Sultan’s name was given to him by one of his uncles. At the time, His uncle was one of the few to get an early education who had come across the word ‘Sultan’ in one of the textbooks. He adds the same uncle named one of his cousins- Risingson.
Ava sultan shares “Mareoram - meaning land of luscious fruits untouched by animals or insects. The name was later changed to Marou.”
Humble Beginnings (October 2020)
Humble Beginnings (October 2020)
This house was built by Apvo (Grandfather) Satalung. It is 40 years old today. Some still say that our house, though small , used to be the hub for a group gathering.
Zingham Khamahai (Dec 2020)
Zingham Khamahai (Dec 2020)
Zingham Khamahai meaning basking the sun. Unlike the colder parts of Ukhrul District, Marou is pleasantly warm.
Sakharan - an inherent obligatory sense of duty (Dec 2020)
Sakharan - an inherent obligatory sense of duty (Dec 2020)
Women seen at the community work for the New Pastor Quarter . A collective contribution in the form of manual labour as members of the church. Rocks found in the village premises are broken into particles which would later be used in the construction of the new house.
Iramwui Pangthem- Our Village’s Handskills (Dec 2020)
Iramwui Pangthem- Our Village’s Handskills (Dec 2020)
Handmade does not get enough attention and appreciation in the community. This is probably because it is part of everyday curriculum to make things for one’s own consumption? Setting up the decor for a village wedding.
Iram hi mi machungthuda (Dec 2020)
Iram hi mi machungthuda (Dec 2020)
“Because our village doesn’t have many people”, a comparative statement acknowledging the strength of the village. Though numerical it is small, the members of the village have always involved themselves in community work.
Roof for the wedding (November 2020)
Roof for the wedding (November 2020)
Cousins seen painting the roof of a house that was built in a month. The completion of the house was the result of collective efforts put by the relatives of the family.
Passion (Dec 2020)
Passion (Dec 2020)
Woman holding passion fruit in one hand and a hammer in the other. Putting a pause to their routine of attending the farm, all men and women actively participate in the new construction site post-lunch.
Inside the Household (Dec 2020)
Inside the Household (Dec 2020)
A Mother carries her child as she continues to do the house chores. Do we really see our heroes?
Sultan’s Hero - Hoping (Dec 2020)
Sultan’s Hero - Hoping (Dec 2020)
Iwui theikakhui athi shurda, varivara la kathei chila aa papamya ,chiena aja mishan khare kakhanganinghi iramli matik la // As far I know , he is a God fearing man , who would think becoming the first citizen would be possible from Marou. Hopingson A. Shimray is presently the Tangkhul Naga Long President 2020.
Sultan’s Hero - Ashang (Oct 2020)
Sultan’s Hero - Ashang (Oct 2020)
“He has a promising future.” Wungnaoshang A. Shimray’s - Former president of Tangkhul Katamnao Saklong (Tangkhul Student Body).
Sultan’s Gratitude - Ramlung (Dec 2020)
Sultan’s Gratitude - Ramlung (Dec 2020)
I atam akhali shiman kapai thada shiman thui hai sadei, Ramlung hi na ili mathalak eina khangmathotmi // I was once lost, but Ramlung saved me. Lt. Ramlung passed away in 1996. Here, lies the grave of him and his wife Anna. Sultan adds he will be forever thankful to him till the end.
Ava Sultan on Admiration (Dec 2020)
Ava Sultan on Admiration (Dec 2020)
“Admiration and Respect comes to those who humble themselves,for me, I find myself content knowing God has saved me “ Seen at the village Community work.
“Welcome to New Beginnings” (Dec 2020)
“Welcome to New Beginnings” (Dec 2020)
Man seen carrying a board that reads "Welcome to New Beginning" to the Village gate Entrance in the middle of the night. Here is to hoping we continue to see our real life Heroes.

About the Photographer

Chingrimi belongs to the Tangkhul Naga Tribe in Manipur, India. Her body of work is an archive of her process as a creative and as an individual. Beginner in the field, she enjoys the freedom that comes with image making. Photography as a medium allows her to explore and tell stories that have never been told. Currently, she is based as a researcher in Ukhrul, India. 2020 has found her questioning and reconnecting to her indigenous roots. Safe to say, in that journey she has met heroes that make up #My2020Hero.


Project location

Marou Village, Ukhrul

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