Liberation during the PandemicCover Image
Liberation during the Pandemic
By Paromita ChatterjeeScroll down
Ridim, a transperson lost his job during the pandemic and happily sells flowers to sustain.
As a transgender person, Ridim, (He) 23, has weathered a lot of challenges at this young age. He has worked as a bartender, swimming instructor, healthcare staff and security guard until he lost his job due to the pandemic and started a flower selling business recently. His story is about finding inspiration in the darkest of moments, especially darker for a transgender person.
Sitting inside his mosquito net Ridim checks his cellphone
Sitting inside his mosquito net Ridim checks his cellphone
Ridim was born as Sweta Bannerjee and assigned a female gender at birth. It has been an uphill task for Ridim to explain his predicament to his family. When he lost his last job as a security personnel, Ridim’s love for flowers gave him a sudden inspiration.
Ridim enroute to the Kolkata flower market
Ridim enroute to the Kolkata flower market
His hometown Konnagar is 20 km away from Kolkata. The lockdown meant the local trains were not plying for a prolonged period of 8 months. Therefore Ridim's bicycle became his trusted steed, his only means of transport to reach the flower market. In the darkness, before dawn, Ridim would cycle through the dimly lit bylanes snaking through desolate fields. This was his usual route to reach the highway while the curfew was in place.
Ridim brings out his flower bags to set up his tiny flower shop in front of his house
Ridim brings out his flower bags to set up his tiny flower shop in front of his house
"When I came up with my business idea(to sell flowers), my friends were full of enthusiasm. They helped me out by cutting small branches from trees to set up a tent and make this tabletop. And that's how my tiny shop was born," says Ridim.
Ridim in action, at the Kolkata flower market
Ridim in action, at the Kolkata flower market
When Ridim started in the flower business, he had no idea about the art of haggling. After months of trial and error now he is quite seasoned now.
Ridim would carry his bag on his head after buying flowers from the market
Ridim would carry his bag on his head after buying flowers from the market
Ridim is now used to carrying heavy loads and negotiate his way through the crowded market. His phone got stolen in the crowd recently. Even though it is troublesome, he leaves his new phone at home now.
After coming home, Ridim relaxes on his bed
After coming home, Ridim relaxes on his bed
Once home from the market, Ridim takes some time to unwind. Pointing towards the scribblings adorning the mirror, he shares, "Those are the names of the girls I fell for".

Ridim recently broke up with his girlfriend, a relationship of 6 years. “Although I have gone through a lot of heartbreaks in my life, but I never tend to learn a lesson from them. I trust people very easily” sighs Ridim.
Ridim loves applying serum in his hair after his bath
Ridim loves applying serum in his hair after his bath
"I have always wanted to style my hair into spikes, just like other boys. But my folks refuse to let me," rues Ridim. But he makes up for that by applying a little serum when no one is looking.

“My neighbours have always been very curious about my orientation and my whereabouts. They would often gossip behind me. But when I started my business during the lockdown, they have really shown their support by buying flowers from my shop, instead of going to the market. Some would even come straight to my house and wake me up early in the morning even before opening my shop to buy flowers”, smiles Ridim."
Ridim arranges the flowers in his shop as his neighbour's pet Lily looks on
Ridim arranges the flowers in his shop as his neighbour's pet Lily looks on
"Lily, my neighbour's pet cat, always keeps me company. I have made her my business partner," laughs Ridim.
Ridim packing flowers for a customer at his shop
Ridim packing flowers for a customer at his shop
"Mostly my neighbours come to buy flowers from my shop. But I am planning to shift the shop out of my house to a more visible intersection. That way I can draw more customers from other localities as well," says Ridim.
Ridim holding a bunch of Tuberoses
Ridim holding a bunch of Tuberoses
Ridim can only make a couple of visits to the market every week. Every day he checks whether his flowers are still fresh.
Ridim stares at his phone while his father watches the television
Ridim stares at his phone while his father watches the television
To this day, Ridim’s parents are in denial about his gender identity. He is still humiliated by them before their extended family. "About 9 pm my family converges around the T.V. Though sitting in the same room, we continue to live in our own bubbles. We hardly ever find a common ground to communicate."
Ridim tending to his own garden
Ridim tending to his own garden
Not being able to relate to the hetero-normative society around him, he finds solace in nature. If money was no object, he would invest in an aviary. As for now, he holds his little garden close to his heart.
Ridim loves being in nature. Here he lies with the sun and flowers kissing his face
Ridim loves being in nature. Here he lies with the sun and flowers kissing his face
When I asked whether he wanted to remain anonymous in my project, Ridim's reply was quick: "No, I want people to see me for who I am. My transness is not a disease."

About the Photographer

Paromita Chatterjee is a documentary photographer based out of Kolkata. Her work has been published in various national and international magazines and newspapers like Tehelka magazine, The Hindu, The Wire, BBC, Aljazeera and more. She has a natural affinity towards women's issues, gender identity crisis, environmental concerns, and anything under the socio political spectrum.

Project Location

Konnagar, West Bengal

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