Etta's 2020 Hero is her son, Shaurya

Etta says: "Meet Shaurya, my hero. This is him celebrating his 7th Birthday with no friends and no party. The last time he stepped out of the house was in March this year, but he's not complaining. He is my hero because he teaches me to be grateful for things we adults take for granted. Take a look at the journal he started keeping a few months back. He has listed down as many as 107 reasons he is thankful for, starting from food to the roof over his head, the sun, the moon and the stars. It forced me to change my perspective on life and the little things that we stop noticing. Shaurya is happy and content with what he has, present in the moment and setting an example for the grown-ups in his family. All this and more makes my son My2020Hero.