s 2020 Heroes are the Mountain Cutters

says: "The Mountain Cutters. These people, even during the pandemic in 2020, were busy clearing roads in the mountains where landslides had blocked roads. For them, 2020 was just another normal year. If they paused their work even for day, the roads would have blocked entry into towns and villages in the mountains. The thousands of people living there would not get food, medicines, and other emergency supplies. These people kept working in the cold weather day and night until they completed their work, which is an unending process in itself as a new landslide or a rock rolling down every now and then is a common phenomenon. This particular shot was taken near Rishyap, West Bengal. There has been a major landslide there in the past month. The roads were completely destroyed. These people are working to get the traffic moving smoothly. So they are my heroes of 2020, because they have fought for others without thinking of the risks to themselves.