Rags' 2020 Hero is Muthu, the vegetable vendor

Rags says "Muthu - When the intense lockdown was imposed, an impossible scenario descended upon us, hitherto unknown to the entire world. Basic food became a challenge, the few vegetables or fruits at home were all consumed, and we were staring at empty larders. Few wanted to risk the stampede at vegetable shops and the little stock in the shops flew off the shelves almost instantly. One day, Muthu arrived at our doorstep like a breath of fresh air, bringing fresh vegetables and fruits. Basic survival was now assured and food was back on the table. Muthu continues doing business down our street, having upgraded from a three-wheel push cart to a smart little minivan. He is indeed My2020hero, and I am joined by a lot of families down our road who applaud and sing in praise of Muthu!