Geetha's 2020 Hero is Tyga, her cat

Sai Geetha says: "With the extension of the lockdown in India, it was and still is difficult for me to handle all the mixed emotions and thoughts going through my head. Though Facetime and Zoom calls helped me bridge the distance, I still craved for a human touch. This was the time when I understood my pet's emotions about how he didn't feel very happy about being locked up in a room. I always kept Tyga (my cat) in my room just so that I could feel secure and entertained, but the lockdown made me understand my cat's emotions. I started letting him go out, explore and play with the other cats and as I did this, I felt like he understood me and my need for him. He started visiting me happily all by himself for food, water, cuddles and more cuddles. I'd never shared this kind of a bond with him ever before. He's there for me when there is no one else, as I'm there for him. I decided to capture all of his beauty and freeze the moments of just US. Everyday, I see his photos and I recall that entire day and I feel very proud of myself for being so strong, and that makes me extremely happy and thankful. His pictures are very precious to me as they remind me of how strong I was in a situation which I would never want anyone else to be in. Still, I think everything I went through just made me a stronger person who can do anything she wants to.