Viraj's 2020 Hero is Kayyum Khan

Viraj says: "I met para-swimmer Kayyum Khan on July 8th, 2020, on Marine Drive, Mumbai. My brief but meaningful encounter with him left a lasting impression on me and gave me the strength and courage to carry on despite the odds. Kayyum travelled to Mumbai in May, all the way from Assam, just six days before the city went into lockdown. He made this journey to train with a new coach and make a good life for himself in the city of dreams. However, due to the coronavirus, Kayyum had to seek refuge in a friend's house with no access to training and no means of earning a livelihood. Despite all adversities, Kayyum assured me that he was positive and hopeful. Smiling, he told me that he would continue to strive to achieve his goal of participating in the Paraolympics no matter what life threw at him."