Sindhana's 2020 Hero is her father

Sindhana says: "My father is my 2020 hero. I was in the first trimester of my pregnancy, a bad morning sickness and pregnancy-induced discomfort leaving me without any energy to fend for myself. My husband, though anxious and willing to help, did not know to cook. My in-laws stay far. My mother was away in a distant town and couldn't come back owing to the lockdown. In a time when one's mother is most needed, my father rose up to the occasion. A man who had never tried cooking turned into a chef for my sake, and never once let me miss my mother again. Not only that, he works in a prominent government hospital in the city as an indispensable electrical engineer, catering to the needs of frontline doctors and patients alike in times of pandemic. Even when confronted about whether he should venture out for his job (this is his 2nd stint post retirement from his first government job), he sincerely replied that he has to perform his duty towards the society when it needs him the most. I've been proud of my hero not only in 2020, but ever since I've known him as my dad.