Shraddha's 2020 Hero is Archana, her mother

Shraddha says: "This whole year has already been stressful and exhausting as a mom, wife and teacher. My mother's name is Archana. She is working as a math teacher, and this pandemic made teachers work more for the benefit of the students. Amidst lockdown, I came back home and its been nearly a year. I used to wonder how a person can routinely get up early in the morning, do all the chores, get me and my brother ready for our online classes and my daddy for office, and so on. Till date she has never been late. Amongst all this she has to prepare for her online classes by sitting all night and making ppts, videos etc. for her students so that they're able to be more attentive in the online classes. She has always been my supermom. In this pandemic, everyone was affected mentally, financially etc. Even I was frustrated and whenever I showed my anger towards my mom, she just gave me a hug and with a little smile said 'its okay'. I have learnt many things from her, mainly the fact that spreading love matters a lot. Looking at the way she treats the students, by calling them 'kanna', I regretted that I didn't have a teacher like her. This pandemic made me realize how you played a role in every students life virtually. You made me realize that nothing is impossible in front of hardwork and perseverance. There were so many times when you would feel like you had failed, but you never have. You are my Supermom Amma. Proud to be your daughter Amma.