Aravindh's 2020 Hero is the cotton candy vendor

Aravindh says: "On our way out of the Thiruvannamalai Temple,Tamil Nadu, my friends and I saw a man selling cotton candy outside the temple premises. We had been about to take rest when the cotton candy man spoke to us. He said, "Two packets cost Rs.10, would you like to buy some?" My friend bought a total of 5 packets and paid him Rs. 30. He said he had no change yet as it was still early in the day. We asked him to keep the change as a tip, but he returned Rs. 5 to us after selling some more candy instead. When I asked him why he wanted to be that honest, he said, "A single rupee made apart from my work is equal to money earned from begging, and I am not supposed to be a beggar." We were shocked at his answer. Then, he continued: "The colors of the candy make sense, to be honest. Colors spread joy no matter what the situation is." From his words, we understood that he was trying to overcome a tough situation. He is a truly brave hero that I have met.