Ami's 2020 Hero is Mansi Gandhi, yoga teacher

Ami says: "My 2020 Hero is Mansi Gandhi. Maybe for some it’s easy and natural to be consistent with their good habits. For me it’s always been the other way round. Bad habits, very consistent. Good ones, naah! If there’s one thing that I’ve done very right in 2020, it is to start learning yoga from Mansi. I’m the sort who ignores myself a lot. Letting one day flow into another, knowing well what I should or shouldn’t be doing, but lacking the discipline to actually do it. I look up to Mansi, not just for her dedication to the practice, not just because she loves what she does and does it amazingly well, but because of the fact that she does it every single day with love. She always has a smile in her voice, is creative, encouraging, and inspires me on so many levels. Although I regret not starting to focus on myself earlier, it’s better to step in the right direction late rather than never. Thank you Mansi for leading me, and 2020 for being a reality check when it comes to wellness and good health.